
   I've been updating this web site for about a month and what a time consuming process for a non computer pen maker. If you have any suggestion or good ideas please let me know. (No federal bailout dollars have been used to fund this update, so you don't need to suggest that!) My business is located in Old Town, Maine which is a long way from the center of anything.

  If you like my pens:

Do you have some marketing suggestions                                                                   

Ideas for histories               

Ideas for the web site

What would you like to see

Contacts that you could help with


I need all the help I can get

Don't worry, no matter how many pens I need to make I will not send the work to China



Stan and Andrea



                            The Pen Maker                            and                              His Wife                     



Maine Heritage Inc.            Old Town, Me.        207-827-3631      wpens@aol.com